Access control hardware can be added as need or company budget permits

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Dyfed-Powys Police crime anti-social behaviour Access Control Wales powerful computer controlled security infrastructure Access Scanner configured in many different arrangementsA senior figure in Dyfed-Powys Police stated police could miss crime such as anti-social behaviour due to Westminster cuts. Chief Constable Ian Arundale said: “In these days of austerity, it’s quite often difficult to get all the right people together with resources to deal with some of these issues.” He added that much anti-social behaviour comes from people with health and social problems. Welsh forces received an average of 245 calls a day in 2011 about anti-social behaviour according to figures from BBC Wales.

Access Control Wales supplies easy to use access control hardware as part of a powerful computer controlled security infrastructure. The T3510 Access Scanner can be configured in many different arrangements, controlling a smaller number of doors at first and then more at a later date as need and/or budget permits. As the security network grows and requires more control points, further T3510’s are installed, working side by side. This ‘building block’ approach is the most cost effective way to install Access Control.

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