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Author Archives: acwales

  1. Access Control Wales devices can stop big truck travelling at 50 mph

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    Wales stolen trucksThe Independent Police Complaints Commission has been informed following a heist at the premises of a vehicle company owner. This was because North Wales Police followed three stolen lorries, but did not chase them to the Cheshire border. No attempt was made to stop the trio of stolen vehicles. A police spokeswoman said: "Due to the proximity of the police at the time, the Independent Police Complaints Commission has been notified as per procedure."

    Cops said the lorries were stolen from the R J Jones haulage yard in Greenfield, Holywell, which is the fifth largest town in Flintshire, North Wales. The gang had tried but failed to steal a fourth lorry from the company’s Flintshire yard.

    Access Control Wales can provide heavy duty security to protect big sites and premises. Today’s barriers and bollards are capable of stopping and destroying a truck weighing up to 65,000 pounds and travelling at 50 mph. Such barricades can be raised or lowered at will to stop traffic or let it through. The barrier can be integrated properly into a total security system, which is available from the Tensor group of companies and their contact details can be linked via this website.

  2. Access Control Systems in Your Businesses

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    access control systems in your businessApplying Access Control Systems To Your Businesses

    Access Control Systems has a wide application throughout the world from travelling tickets to cattle farming. You might be surprised to know that herd arrangement is being done using Smart Tags which can be put on to the livestocks and can be arranged accordingly.
    These systems can also be used extensively in cooperation with time and attendance systems for the purpose of payroll calculation in industry or in the management of employees. The integration of the access control systems and time and attendance system can make a complete system with everything automated, from payroll calculation, inventory control and access authorisation.
    Access control systems can impact upon work life by small or large integrations dependant on the required security and authorisation, making auditing and security a far easier task to control. Contact Access Control Wales to find out how we can individually design an access control system for your business, enabling security and safety alongside real value for money.

  3. The Mechanics of Access Control Systems

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    access control systemsThe Software, Hardware and Mechanics of Access Control Systems

    "Access Control Systems" as its name suggests decide who can enter a building or area, and when. The combine sophisticated electronic technologies such as smart cards and biometric identification devices with computer software to provide an integrated system which is used to acquire the full control to the access (entry/exit) points of an organisation. The system is a network of independent microprocessor controlled devices that operate using communications between access mechanics which are the mechanical components such as Turnstiles, Door Barriers, Electronic Locks. The devices are programmed to block or allow access and to restrict a persons rights to wander around an area. Almost as a by-product the system produces a date and time stamped log with the users identity obtained from their active Key Fob, Smart Card or biometrics.
    Access Hardware includes the above said identity readers, such as Key Fob Reader, Smart Card reader or Biometric readers. Access control Mechanics and Hardware work together within our access control system’s customized software through a variety of installations.
    Following is a list view of the whole access control system.

    • Software
    • Hardware
    • Smart Card Reader
    • Key Fob Reader
    • Biometric Reader
    • Fingerprint Scanners
    • Mechanics
    • Turnstiles
    • Barriers
    • Electronic Locks
    • Automatic Bollards

    As the above listings illustrate, an access control system is incomplete or inefficient without reliable and usable software which monitors movement of the integrated hardware and mechanical components. Software requires verification through the database connections for the mechanical components to act accordingly. For example, a person with an expired Smart Card can gain access through the access point without incorporating with access control software, however,  if the software is integrated the person will be blocked at the access point and thus, increase the  overall security of the organisation.
    Access Control Wales appreciate that your security is important and have designed our access control systems around usability, security and safety. Contact us to find out more about our products or for a demonstration or informal discussion about your security requirements.

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