Automatic bollards with anti-intrusion locking protect car parks

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vehicle thefts motor registered keepers Crime Reduction Officers Automatic Bollards Access Control Wales protecting outdoor locations car parks resistance to impacts anti-intrusion locking systemA Welsh vehicle crime scheme has seen thefts from motor vehicles fall by 6.5 per cent so far in 2012. The initiative involves sending a letter and crime prevention info to registered keepers whose vehicles had valuables clearly seen on display. North Wales patrolling officers and colleagues from partner organisations carry out the checks. Car parks which have been affected by crime have been visited by Crime Reduction Officers and car park managers spoken to and crime advisory notices issued.

Automatic Bollards are just one of Access Control Wales’s devices for protecting outdoor locations such as car parks. The bollards limit vehicle access to a specific location, and can easily be lowered when passage is authorised, typically within two to three seconds. Constructed out of concrete, stainless steel, aluminium or cast iron, all of the automatic bollards are designed to completely stop the majority of vehicles. They boast exceptional resistance to impacts; while other features include an anti-intrusion locking system.

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